Since we’ve been getting a lot of requests for Eppicard Customer Service numbers, we have decided to compile an entire list according to state. Have you been trying to get the phone number to your state’s Eppicard administrator? You are not alone. You can review our list of customer service numbers, including Georgia Eppicard and California Eppicard.
For a full list, visit this page. Once you get to the page, you have to select your state specific number. You must be aware that you will have to perhaps try a few times before getting a life person on the phone. Usually, you will have to jump through a lot of hoops talking to auto attendants. Don’t get frustrated. Also, if you are trying to get your lost card replaced or get address change, you will have to do that through an agent over the phone since they have to verify some personal details before the change is made, so that they can make sure you are who you are and that someone is not trying to hijack your account to steal your money.
Also, if all else fails, you should contact your state’s department responsible for managing the eppicard program.