If you have the Florida Debit Card or EPPICard and need to Change Address on your card, we can help you. If you do not have a Florida card and need help changing the address on your EPPICard, visit this page for help.
Change Address Eppicard Florida

The first step in doing this is to locate the Florida Eppicard Customer Support number. To do this, log into the main EPPICard page and find the state of Florida. Once you get to the page, you have to select the appropriate card that applies to you. You either have the Child Support Card or the Unemployment Benefits Card. You then have to locate the link to “Toll-Free Customer Service”. Call the number provided and follow the prompts to talk to a live customer service person.
If your card has expired and you changed your address before the expiration, EPPICard may have mailed you a replacement card but it may have been returned back to sender. This is because the US Postal Service does NOT forward EPPICard mail to forwarding addresses. So, unless you change your address with EPPI Card, all your card related mail will be returned back to sender.
If your card has expired, a new card will be issued within 30 days before the expiration. Be sure to have your current address added to the card before the 30 days to the expiration date to ensure a timely delivery of your replacement card, so that you don’t miss a payment. Otherwise, you will get into a situation where you have money sitting in the account and have no way of accessing it. And they do not make an exception – you have to call customer service to change the address on your account, plain and simple. And since it is so hard to get EPPICard on the phone, this has become a frustrating process for may cardholders. It would have been easier for them to allow cardholders to change address online but because of fraud, that option is not available.